Saturday, January 9, 2016

Be Present

The first week of 2016 has come and gone.  It's been a tough start because it began with a personal loss.  A dear friend passed away on January 2nd after a very long illness.  The wife he left behind is one of my favorite people.  She is my hero and I am in awe of her strength.  She handled each and every trying situation with grace and patience.  I could feel God's presence in every moment. The dawn of this new year hasn't been an easy one, yet the experience has inspired me to rethink my goals for 2016.

I will be present. I am committing myself to practicing mindfulness in all activities, situations and interactions.

Practicing mindfulness and presence may sound easy to some people, but for me it's going to be a challenge.  My days seem to be filled with activities and interactions where I don't have time to pause,  let alone think!  I'm overwhelmed by "busyness" and reacting to stimuli.  I haven't made it a practice to stop, think, consider different options and just breathe.

Journal page 12  /29/15-1/7/16

Here are some ways I will practice mindfulness:

I will listen more than I speak.
I will freely give my time to others.
I will keep my surroundings free of clutter.
I will inspire others without constraints.
I will create my own art every day.
I will not gossip or pass judgement.
I will practice meditation and yoga.
I will pray before taking action.
I will be present.

Like many people, I've found setting goals is essential to successfully accomplishing difficult tasks.  I also know the best goals stretch me beyond my comfort zone.  When I'm pushed to my limits, I'm inspired to find strength.  As I design my happy, healthy and wealthy goals for 2016 I will include mindfulness.  I will be completely present and there will be an added sweetness to my accomplishments.