Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Yesterday is gone

Labor Day                        13 x 20
Watercolor on paper
Where does the time go?  I seem to have a "To Do" list a mile long.  And not enough time in the day to complete all the tasks.  I feel like I'm constantly playing catch up.  I wake up in the middle of the night and remember things I was supposed to do.  One of them was to post my daily painting to my blog.  But I forgot.

How do my days get so complicated?  Why do I burden myself with endless lists?  When am I ever going to complete all of these tasks?  All of these are good questions but the most important thing I need to consider is:  Why do I want to complete these things?

I've set two 30 day goals for myself.  One is to complete a painting a day and the other is to write a blog post a day - two challenges I joined.  Well it's only the 3rd day and I'm already behind.  So I could beat myself up and give up or I could catch up and continue on.

I've found that the best way to reach a goal is to  know the why.  Here are my answers:

1.  Why do I want to complete the daily painting challenge?  Because I will set aside time every day to paint, I will improve my skills and I will create a body of work that I can share.

2.  Why do I want to participate in the 30 day blog challenge?  Because I want to continue to develop the habit of writing about the process of making art to encourage my readers to be more creative.

Now I just have to schedule daily actions (or tasks) on my calendar with an alert set at 6:00 am.  I find it's best to write these down the night before so I'm reminded first thing in the morning to focus on my goals.

Today's actions:
1.  Post yesterday's blog and painting - check
2.  Paint - coming soon!
3.  Blog - coming soon!


  1. Excellent post. I appreciate that you have set your goal and are following through with them. The painting is gorgeous, by the way. I love it.

    1. Thanks Deanna - it's all about accountability isn't it?
