Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Compassion Brings Peace

May Journal Project - - Day 14

"Compassion Brings Peace"          MJP - Day14
Underneath this art is a list of people who have made a difference in my life.  It's a random list of relatives, teachers, friends, bosses and others.  Some are good relationships, some, not so good. But I'm a product of my past.  Everything and everyone has had an influence on my present state of being.

I collect fortune cookie sayings.  I just love the randomness of what you get.  I then save them for inspiration.  The one on this page says:

"Compassion will cure more than condemnation"

Compassion is a powerful emotion,  tough to give and to receive. But when I let it drive my thoughts and feelings I find peace.  Just like I get when I walk by the river.  Peace and calm.


  1. This post is making me think of all those people who have had any kind of influence in my life. I haven't thought about that before. Interesting. Some of them are best forgotten whereas others I would like to come across again and thank.

    1. Every person had a reason for crossing your path. They help you make course adjustments!

  2. That's a beautiful fortune.
    I've gotten so many goods one and have never thought of saving them. Great idea.
    So many more people in the world need compassion. I think it'll just make people nicer.

    Keep in Touch(ed),

    1. Maybe it's time for a compassion movement!
